Home Inspection Tips Designed To Help You Sell

by Nicole Haun

Quick And Profitable

Those wishing to sell their home in the near future should keep in mind that potential buyers will more than likely order a professional home inspection before making a final purchase decision. Keeping this simple fact in mind here are a few essential tips to help make sure that you have the best chance possible of selling your home in a quick and profitable way. For example, consider having an inspection performed before listing your home for sale.

Marketed As Pre-Inspected

This is important because you can then state in the listing that the home has been pre-inspected and repaired in accordance with the home inspection report. There is cost involved with a home inspection, but the simple fact that the home can be marketed as pre-inspected can make all the difference in enjoying a more successful sale. Statistically speaking, many homes ultimately fail to close because of complications associated with the home inspection. If these issues have been addressed and resolved prior to selling a home, it is more likely that the sale will proceed without delay.

Comments In The MLS

Including references to a pre-inspection in the multiple listing along with stating that all repairs have been made is an excellent marketing strategy that should never be overlooked. This is one more way to make a house truly turnkey and to make it as easy as possible for potential buyers to close on a home. Always ask your realtor to include comments in the MLS letting potential buyers know that a home inspection and any subsequent repairs have been completed. Further, it is a good idea to let prospective buyers know that all records related to all repairs can be made available upon request.

Convenient And Attractive

Finally, those wishing to sell their Oak Harbor home can also let buyers know that a home warranty is in effect and available and that it can be transferred to the buyer at closing. Best of all, most warranties available today will not need to be paid for until closing. The main goal is to always make it is easy, convenient and attractive as possible for buyers to fall in love with your home and ultimately make a purchase. As an added note, some sellers may wish to price their home above or below market value based upon any potential issues identified in the home inspection report. Contact Nicole Haun today to learn more about Oak Harbor real estate services that get results.

About Nicole

Contact Nicole Haun today by visiting Realestateinanacortes.com and filling out our simple online contact form. We offer access to a wide range of Bow WA multiple listings as well as homes for sale in Mount Vernon Washington and many other surrounding communities.

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Nicole Haun


+1(360) 770-6494
